Quiz Bowl students in grades 3rd through 8th are excited for the Ozark Academic Bowl this afternoon in Piedmont. Good luck to our scholars!!
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Hime
quiz bowl ready
Check out these amazing art projects our Beta students are taking to Branson for the annual convention this weekend!
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Hime
beta kids art
Thursday, March 02, 2023 1. HS Scholar Bowl for BSC meet permission slips are in the office. DUE ASAP TO MR. MARTIN: Cody, Holden, Ashton, Elijah, & Wyatt. 2. March 6th Jodie will be taking Tux orders are her shop right after school. 3. The 8th grade will be going to AV on the 8th. We will be back by lunch. 4. Archery t-shirts are in, please see Mr. Whitaker for pick-up. If you have not paid, please do so as soon as possible. 5. Happy Birthday Tannah we hope you have a great day. 6. HS Basketball Players please turn in your uniforms to your coach by FRIDAY. 7. The Elementary Quiz Bowl will travel to Clearwater Today, March 2nd. 8. Activity week will be moved to March 6th-10th. 9. JR Beta all T-shirt money is due immediately. 10. There will be a short assembly today 5th hour for our SR Beta to showcase. 11. Sr. Beta will be out Friday for Beta Convention. All Students are responsible for missed work. 12. All locker rooms are not to be used until further notice. 13. The JH Volleyball Girls will travel to Lesterville in a Tri Match on Monday, March 6th at 5:30. The bus will leave at 4:15. 14. The Elementary Basketball Teams will host Clearwater on Tuesday, March 7th at 5:00. Those working the concession stand are: Kaitlyn, Loren, Jesslynn & Kinsey. 15. Baseball practice will start this Friday after school.
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Dickerson
Senior Jaylan Williams is taking her BEAUTIFUL quilt to BETA convention this week. Great Job Jaylan - we are proud of you.
almost 2 years ago, Melissa Nash
These students were recognized today as the February Students of the Month!! Way to go Eagles!! Keep up the great work!
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Hime
February students of the month
Our students have talents in many different areas! These students will be taking their projects to compete at the state BETA convention this week. Way to represent Eagles! 🦅
almost 2 years ago, Melissa Nash
beta 1
beta 2
Elementary STUCO is having a school supply drive this month. See flyer attached.
almost 2 years ago, Leslie LaPlant
STUCO flyer
Wednesday, March 01, 2023 1. HS Scholar Bowl for BSC meet permission slips are in the office. DUE ASAP TO MR. MARTIN: Cody, Jayton, Holden, Ashton, Elijah, & Wyatt. 2. March 6th Jodie will be taking Tux orders are her shop right after school. 3. The 8th grade will be going to AV on the 8th. We will be back by lunch. 4. Archery t-shirts are in, please see Mr. Whitaker for pick-up. If you have not paid, please do so as soon as possible. 5. Happy Birthday Alina, we hope you have a great day. 6. HS Basketball Players please turn in your uniforms to your coach by FRIDAY. 7. The Elementary Quiz Bowl will travel to Clearwater on Thursday, March 2nd. 8. Congratulations Tegan Barton on Placing 3rd and Connor Barton for placing 4th at Quiz Bowl. 9. Activity week will be moved to March 6th-10th. 10. There will be Sr. Beta meeting TODAY during lunch in Mrs. Souths room. Make sure you turn in your Visual Arts projects to Mrs. Benson. 11. Jr. Beta will be out TODAY for Beta Convention. All Students are responsible for missed work. 12. Sr. Beta will be out Friday for Beta Convention. All Students are responsible for missed work. 13. The deadline for JH/HS baseball is this Wednesday. You must have a physical by Wednesday in order to play. 14. All locker rooms are not to be used until further notice. 15. The JH Volleyball Girls will travel to Lesterville in a Tri Match on Monday, March 6th at 5:30. The bus will leave at 4:15. 16. The Elementary Basketball Teams will host Clearwater on Tuesday, March 7th at 5:00. Those working the concession stand are: Kaitlyn, Loren, Jesslynn & Kinsey. 17. Baseball practice will start this Friday after school.
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Dickerson
Elementary Family Fun Night!!! This Friday in the Old Gym from 5:00-7:00. Check out the flyer below for the details!
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Hime
fun night flyer
Check out this BETA project that Kourtney Williams will be taking as her project to state BETA competition this week. Kourtney spent endless hours crocheting 'Petunia' the pig and we are so proud of her hard work and dedication.
almost 2 years ago, Melissa Nash
pig beta
Dear Parent/Guardian or District Resident, The Bunker R-3 School District invites you to complete an online survey and provide feedback about your child's school and our school district. The purpose of the survey is to identify areas that our parents and community members feel will have a positive impact on our district, student achievement, and district growth in the future. Survey results will be used by the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) committee to create district goals and measures for evaluating those goals. Research shows that schools that are good partners with families have better outcomes for the students they serve. Your feedback will provide us with valuable information on how we can more effectively partner with our parents and community. Please take a few minutes to complete the short survey to share your feedback. The parent/community survey will close Tuesday, March 7th at approximately 2 p.m. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this survey and your continued support of the Bunker R-3 School District. Melissa Nash Superintendent Link to the Community Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSecncYqwLhIkgKHsVuAIke8VUYJGE0GiSI-f52DCOP-rxsB3Q/viewform?usp=share_link
almost 2 years ago, Melissa Nash
Tuesday, February 28, 2023 1. HS Scholar Bowl for BSC meet permission slips are in the office. DUE ASAP TO MR. MARTIN: Cody, Jayton, Holden, Ashton, Elijah, & Wyatt. 2. March 6th Jodie will be taking Tux orders are her shop right after school. 3. Archery t-shirts are in, please see Mr. Whitaker for pick-up. If you have not paid, please do so as soon as possible. 4. HS Basketball Players please turn in your uniforms ASAP. 5. The JH Volleyball Girls will host Lesterville and Oak Hill in a Tri Match on Tuesday, February 28th at 4:30. Those working the concession stand are: Lexie, Kaitlyn, Hailey, & Jayden D. 6. Activity week will be moved to March 6th-10th. 7. There will be Sr. Beta meeting tomorrow during lunch Wednesday, March 1st in Mrs. Souths room. Make sure you turn in your Visual Arts projects to Mrs. Benson. 8. Jr. Beta will be out Wednesday for Beta Convention. All Students are responsible for missed work. 9. Sr. Beta will be out Friday for Beta Convention. All Students are responsible for missed work. 10. The deadline for JH/HS baseball is this Wednesday. You must have a physical by Wednesday in order to play. 11. All locker rooms are not to be used until further notice. They will start working on them soon. 12. The Elementary Basketball Teams will host Clearwater on Tuesday, March 7th at 5:00. Those working the concession stand are: Kaitlyn, Loren, Jesslynn & Kinsey.
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Dickerson
The Bunker R-3 School District is now accepting applications for an Elementary Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year. Applications are available on the school website at www.bunkerr3.k12.mo.us. Questions can be directed to Brittany Hime, Elementary Principal or Melissa Nash, Superintendent, Hwy 72 and Eagle Pride Dr. Bunker, Mo 63629, by email at brittany.hime@bunkerr3.k12.mo.us, mnash@bunkerr3.k12.mo.us or by calling (573) 689-2211.
almost 2 years ago, Melissa Nash
teacher hire
Congratulations to Teghan Barton for placing 3rd and Connor Barton for placing 4th today at the Lesterville Academic Bowl!! So proud of you both!
almost 2 years ago, Melissa Nash
LESTERVille quiz bowl
Monday, February 27, 2023 1. HS Scholar Bowl for BSC meet permission slips are in the office. DUE ASAP TO MR. MARTIN: Cody, Jayton, Holden, Ashton, Elijah, & Wyatt. 2. March 6th Jodie will be taking Tux orders are her shop right after school. 3. Archery t-shirts are in, please see Mr. Whitaker for pick-up. If you have not paid, please do so as soon as possible. 4. Happy Birthday Preston & Scotlynn. We hope you have a great day. 5. Congratulations to our Basketball Teams on 2nd Place in the Districts. You all make us proud. 6. Pep Club you did an amazing job Friday night cheering on the boys. 7. HS Basketball Players please turn in your uniforms ASAP. 8. The JH Volleyball Girls will host Lesterville and Oak Hill in a Tri Match on Tuesday, February 28th at 4:30. Those working the concession stand are: Lexie, Kaitlyn, Hailey, & Jayden D. 9. The Elementary Quiz Bowl will travel to Lesterville Today, February 27th. 10. Activity week will be moved to March 6th-10th. 11. Jr. Beta will be out Wednesday for Beta Convention. All Students are responsible for missed work. 12. Sr. Beta will be out Friday for Beta Convention. All Students are responsible for missed work. 13. The deadline for JH/HS baseball is this Wednesday. You must have a physical by Wednesday in order to play.
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Dickerson
We NEED substitute custodians!! If you are interested in helping us out or have any questions, please contact Ms. Nash, Superintendent, at 573/689-2211 or come up and complete an application.
almost 2 years ago, Melissa Nash
The Bunker R-III School District is now accepting applications for the position of Junior High Math teacher for the 2023-2024 school year. Possible coaching positions are available. The district offers a competitive salary and board paid health and life insurance. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Specific questions regarding the position should be directed to Brian Meloy, High School Principal, at 573-689-2507 ext. 0 or bmeloy@bunkerr3.k12.mo.us. All interested applicants should send an application to the attention of: Melissa Nash, Superintendent, P.O. Box 365, Bunker, MO 63629.
almost 2 years ago, Melissa Nash
Friday, February 24, 2023 1. HS Scholar Bowl for BSC meet permission slips are in the office. DUE ASAP TO MR. MARTIN: Cody, Jayton, Holden, Ashton, Elijah, Wyatt, and Ledgen. 2. March 6th Jodie will be taking Tux orders are her shop right after school. 3. Congratulations Lady Eagles on your win over Lesterville. Keep working hard. 4. HS Beta students please turn in your permission slips to Mrs. Benson By 2-24-23. 5. Juniors: Do not forget that your chances for the grill are due MONDAY, first thing in the morning. We will be drawing Monday. 6. Archery t-shirts are in, please see Mr. Whitaker for pick-up. If you have not paid, please do so as soon as possible. 7. Happy Birthday Owen Gant. We hope you have a great day. 8. Pep Club meeting today during lunch today. 9. There will be a pep assembly in the new gym 7th hour. Please wait for the all call. 10. Archers please have your waiver signed and turned in to Mr. Whitaker for Saturday. 11. The Boys Basketball Team will travel to Ellington for Districts Today, February 24th at 6:00. The bus will leave at 4:30. Let’s go get that trophy! 12. The Lady Eagles Team will travel to Lesterville for Districts Saturday, February 25th at 3:00. The bus will leave at 1:45. 13. There will be a Pep Bus today for 9-12 students. The bus will leave at 3:45. There will be a Pep Bus tomorrow if we have enough to sign up. 14. Kortney Williams, Riley Skaggs, Hailey Turnbough, will be on an FTA field Trip on Today. We will leave at 7 am and will return around 2:15. 15. The JH Volleyball Girls will host Lesterville and Oak Hill in a Tri Match on Tuesday, February 28th at 4:30. Those working the concession stand are: Lexie, Kaitlyn, Hailey, & Jayden D. 16. The Elementary Quiz Bowl will travel to Lesterville on Monday, February 27th.
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Dickerson
"Bleed Green" as you come out and support our Eagles and Lady Eagles. We want to pack the stands with Bunker Green 💚🦅
almost 2 years ago, Kristi Moses
District championship
DISTRICT CHAMPIONSHIP GAME TIMES 2! Our boys AND our girls will be playing for the 2023 Class 1 District 3 Basketball Championship. Eagles play Friday night (Feb 24th) at 6:00 pm vs South Iron at Ellington. Lady Eagles play Saturday afternoon (Feb 25th) at 3:00pm vs South Iron at Lesterville. Eagle Fans - - - Pack the stands for BOTH of these games. Ours Eagles need and deserve your support and cheering!! 🦅
almost 2 years ago, Melissa Nash