Invitation to Bid


On behalf of Bunker R-III School District, Brockmiller Construction Inc., the Construction Manager, will be accepting bid proposals for a new weight room facility building at the Bunker R-III campus in Bunker, Missouri until Thursday, October 13, 2022 by 2:00 p.m.  Sealed bid proposals shall be delivered to Melissa Nash, Superintendent of Bunker R-III School District located at 1 Eagle Pride Drive, Bunker, MO 63629. Proposals shall be labeled as follows: 

BID PROPOSAL:  New Weight Room Facility for Bunker R-III School District

A public bid opening will be held promptly at 2:00 p.m., Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 1 Eagle Pride Drive, Bunker, MO 63629.

Associated Bid Packages are as follows:


Bid Package #1 – Sitework

Bid Package #2 – Site Utilities

Bid Package #3 – Concrete

Bid Package #4 – Gypsum Board & Metal   Studs

  Bid Package #5 – Pre-Engineered Metal Building

Bid Package #6 – Plumbing

Bid Package #7 – HVAC

Bid Package #8 – Electrical

Bid Package #9 – General Trades

Bid Documents (Plans and Project Manual) will be available on Thursday, September 22, 2022 at , at the office of the architect, Dille Pollard, LLC, at 4061 Highway PP, Suite 2, Poplar Bluff, MO, 63901 or at the office of Brockmiller Construction, Inc., at 14 N Middle St., Farmington, MO 63640.  A ($200.00) Two Hundred Dollar non-refundable plan deposit is required for each set of printed Bid Documents.   Checks are to be made payable to the architect.  Plans may be shipped for a non-refundable charge of $25.00.  All addenda will be issued to all plan holders that have obtained their documents through the office of the architect.  Bid Documents may be viewed at no charge at the office of the architect.  Bid documents may also be viewed at Eplan, FW Dodge, and Reed Construction Data online plan rooms.

To be considered, bids must be made in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders included in the Project Manual.  Each bidder must submit a Surety Bid Bond in the amount of (5%) five percent of their bid amount.  The selected General Contractor will be required to furnish Performance and Payment Surety Bonds for the full amount of the Contract and shall include this cost in their bid.  The Bunker R-III School District is a Tax-Exempt Agency.  Sales tax shall not be included in any bid.  All bids must be on a lump sum basis for each section of work; segregated bids will not be accepted.  No bid may be withdrawn for a period of (60) sixty days after the bid date.  The Owner will evaluate bids based on the best interest of the OWNER and will award the project to the lowest and best qualified bidder. 

The Owner maintains the right to approve any and all sub-contractors and reserves the right to waive irregularities and to reject any and all bids. All bidders are subject to and must comply with applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws.

Attention is called to the provision for equal employment opportunity and payment of not less than the minimum wages as set forth in the Bid Package.  Missouri State Wage Rates shall apply.

The Bunker R-III School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer.